Him & Chi's Sandwhich

Yes... I know the title is grammatically incorrect. I'd still love me a ham & Cheese sandwhich though =)

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Location: Fort Carson, Colorado, United States

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Change of mind?

I think my favorite color is sloOOOowly (almost un-noticeably) changing! I've been a faithful Color Blue lover since 3rd grade, and I never expected that this would change. However, ever since I've become pregnant, so many of my preferences have changed. For example, I can't stand loud, chaotic, or obscene music. Since I won't be listening to that type of music after the baby arrives anyways, I think those days of tolerating popular, yet "bad" music, are over! It's for the better. I am glad .
Anyhow, back to my point. I think my new favorite color is Green (preferably a pastel green, it's all the "neutral" baby things I've been getting). Arthur wouldn't let me buy the blue baby items because we're having a girl (I say it doesn't matter, but hey, she's his kid too). And I absolutely can't stand so much pink on my baby, so I had to settle for neutral (that's beige, green, and yellow). I prefer green and beige over yellow, and green is a bit more lively than beige. So most of our baby things are green. I've grown a strange liking for it to the point where I would even pick green over blue (when blue was actually an option)! I was "weirded out" by my selection. So I started to investigate my feelings on this matter, and it turns out I DO prefer green over blue now. With most things (even outside of baby items). So I guess I'm a changed person .

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