Him & Chi's Sandwhich

Yes... I know the title is grammatically incorrect. I'd still love me a ham & Cheese sandwhich though =)

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Location: Fort Carson, Colorado, United States

Friday, October 5, 2007

False Alarm

Yesterday I woke up with a low dull pain in my side and back. It was persistant, and it was accompanied by what I thought were contractions. I went to my mother's house with Arthur, and she said it sounds like I'm going to have the baby by tomorrow. TOMORROW!?! The room isn't even ready yet! There is still furniture to be moved about and on and on and on...

So we got to it. My mother and Arthur did the heavy lifting while I did the directing (also know as sit-and-point). I wanted to get up and do everything so badly because I know that I can do everything faster (I know where everything is supposed to go). So all of the plans Hubby and I had for the day were thrown out the window. We were overdue for a visit to his mom's house, but that got delayed to very late in the evening. However... it's is "tomorrow" and no baby yet. At least the room is ready and everything's in it's place, ready to receive her. I hope the next one isn't a false alarm because I can't wait to see my precious little angel's face.



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