Him & Chi's Sandwhich

Yes... I know the title is grammatically incorrect. I'd still love me a ham & Cheese sandwhich though =)

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Location: Fort Carson, Colorado, United States

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Her Daddy's a Soldier

Today Lana had her 12 months check up with the Doctor.

First the Nurse Lady pricked Lana's middle finger for a blood sample. That prick didn't render enough blood so the Nurse Lady pricked Lana's finger again. Not one cry out of Lana.

Then Lana got two shots in the thigh..

Still not a cry. The Doctor & Nurse Lady complemented Lana for being such a brave little girl.

We went over to the laboratory to give another - bigger - sample of Lana's blood. The Ladies there said to "prepare for screaming!" They got a whole tube of blood out of Lana but not one tear! Then they all agreed that this one's a tough one 'cuz her Daddy's a soldier! (They probably figured it out because of the Tricare...)

See her boo-boo?