Him & Chi's Sandwhich

Yes... I know the title is grammatically incorrect. I'd still love me a ham & Cheese sandwhich though =)

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Location: Fort Carson, Colorado, United States

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Baby Lana

She's here!

Lana Linh Verville

She came in at 8 pounds - 11.8 ounces... 20.5 inches.
Big baby. She's the sweetest little person. She has my chinky eyes and her daddy's thin lips. She's also got her daddy's personality: laid back, somewhat quiet (she doesn't cry much, she didn't make more than a coo when she got her shots at the hospital), curious (she loves to look around to see where the light in the room is coming from, then she becomes fixated on it), she must have the sweetest dreams because she constantly smiles in her sleep.

This is Little Lana Linh getting ready for her first bath at home:

Here's her getting sleepy:

...and then sleeping:

Isn't she precious? Definitely heaven sent.


Friday, October 5, 2007

False Alarm

Yesterday I woke up with a low dull pain in my side and back. It was persistant, and it was accompanied by what I thought were contractions. I went to my mother's house with Arthur, and she said it sounds like I'm going to have the baby by tomorrow. TOMORROW!?! The room isn't even ready yet! There is still furniture to be moved about and on and on and on...

So we got to it. My mother and Arthur did the heavy lifting while I did the directing (also know as sit-and-point). I wanted to get up and do everything so badly because I know that I can do everything faster (I know where everything is supposed to go). So all of the plans Hubby and I had for the day were thrown out the window. We were overdue for a visit to his mom's house, but that got delayed to very late in the evening. However... it's is "tomorrow" and no baby yet. At least the room is ready and everything's in it's place, ready to receive her. I hope the next one isn't a false alarm because I can't wait to see my precious little angel's face.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Change of mind?

I think my favorite color is sloOOOowly (almost un-noticeably) changing! I've been a faithful Color Blue lover since 3rd grade, and I never expected that this would change. However, ever since I've become pregnant, so many of my preferences have changed. For example, I can't stand loud, chaotic, or obscene music. Since I won't be listening to that type of music after the baby arrives anyways, I think those days of tolerating popular, yet "bad" music, are over! It's for the better. I am glad .
Anyhow, back to my point. I think my new favorite color is Green (preferably a pastel green, it's all the "neutral" baby things I've been getting). Arthur wouldn't let me buy the blue baby items because we're having a girl (I say it doesn't matter, but hey, she's his kid too). And I absolutely can't stand so much pink on my baby, so I had to settle for neutral (that's beige, green, and yellow). I prefer green and beige over yellow, and green is a bit more lively than beige. So most of our baby things are green. I've grown a strange liking for it to the point where I would even pick green over blue (when blue was actually an option)! I was "weirded out" by my selection. So I started to investigate my feelings on this matter, and it turns out I DO prefer green over blue now. With most things (even outside of baby items). So I guess I'm a changed person .

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Yesterday Arthur was able to get out of work for his first class to become a Catholic. I was so relieved that he made it to the class. I went with him to support him in his endeavor to come into my religious community. Completing this class is not going to be easy for him because he does not like the way the class is taught.

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a program that pretty much helps an adult convert to the Catholic religion. Because it is a class for adults and their developing faith, the class is not so much "taught" as it is guided. The deacon that leads the classes said that one is to grow in faith through "breaking down the scripture" and connecting it to one's own life. That's not the part that Arthur doesn't like. It is the sharing of our experiences in a group that puts Arthur beside himself. I worry that he won't be able to handle it.. However, I have hope that he is strong and will persevere. Plus, I will be praying for him constantly.

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Kicking the Clutter to the Curb

I've been quite busy lately with cleaning and preparing for the baby. My room is changing dramatically, and there has been a lot of progress with uncluttering my things. Throwing out the junk I've been hording over the years was not easy, but I was able to let go of many little memento that were not worth the space they were taking up. However, I could not bear to part with a small bunch of the stuff. So that bunch will go into storage until the next junk execution.

I purchased an item that made my organizing experience very rewarding. This is a green closet organizer I bought from Babies"R"Us. I love how it looks and separates the baby things.

I've still got a long way to go with the baby room, but I think I'm making good time. Stay tuned for the final product!

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Runny Noses

Only about 8 days to go and I'm sick! Once my nose started running, I did nothing but drink water and go #2. That had always prevented me from completely coming down with a cold. I guess that didn't work this time. However, I am still at it with the water because the faster I recover the better!
