Him & Chi's Sandwhich

Yes... I know the title is grammatically incorrect. I'd still love me a ham & Cheese sandwhich though =)

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Location: Fort Carson, Colorado, United States

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Ready to POP

Only 18 days to go! I feel like she's ready to come out. My ab now truely looks like a watermelon. See for yourself:

I'm a happy mommy.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Edgar the Sailor Man

Arthur's best friend, Edgar (who is in the Navy and now away on duty), came home on leave the other day (Sep. 10, 2007). Arthur was very excited, and I was quite happy to see him so. The two buddies had a blast at their small reunion.

We had breakfast at Denny's the morning after the "party."


Lost & Found

For my 18th birthday, a friend named Arthur gave me a heart-shaped locket made of pure silver. The locket also had my name engraved on the front. At that time, (from the stories his friends and family told me), I found out that he was head-over-heels for me *blush*. However, his feelings were unrequited on my end (I was not ready nor was I looking for a relationship). As a result, his heartfelt gift had minimal sentimental meaning to me. I was also a bit intimidated by his bold gestures and almost didn't know what to do with it.

About two years have pasted, and Arthur and I are pregnant with our first child and closer than ever. One day Arthur asked me about the locket and told me that the gray box it was in he got from his mom (in other words, it means even MORE now). I had NO IDEA where it was! So I go into a frantic hunt for the missing locket. Months go by, and despite the enormous effort I put into looking for the locket which meant SO MUCH to me now, it was nowhere to be found. Then, on a night as ordinary as any other (September 20, 2007), my mother pops into my room and hands me a gray box. This box I opened to find:

I was ecstatic! Found at last! It came back to me =)

Arthur had such a sweet smile on his face when I showed him what I had found. Thank God this locket was in good hands all this time.


Baby Shower

My first baby shower was relatively successful.

90% of the guests showed up (though not all on time). Quynh, my younger sister, did an awesome job with the decorations:

The "Baby Shower" clothes line banner looked great although the letters started falling off the line during the party.

By the end of the shower, the only letters left on the line were


The food was... fitting to our appetite.
A delicious icecream cake

and a fruit topped flan cake! (thank you Andy)

The gifts seemed endless

It was so nice to see all my friends and family gathering and having fun. I felt so pampered opening the gifts. I just can't thank everyone enough for helping out with the baby shower, for attending, and for all the thoughtful gifts. This is one loved baby (and mommy).



This is my first blog. I am very excited to have a place to record all of my events, findings, and thoughts. Here we go! *cork pops*
